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2510 E. Michigan Ave. Lansing MI 48912


Okay, so if you are reading this, you are either super skeptical or almost ready to sign up for a free consultation. Keep in mind: nothing ventured, nothing gained.

How much does it cost to be an IQ Fit client?

There is no cost, only an investment… in YOU. Did you know preventable illness sickcare costs are $100,000+ over one’s lifetime? That’s from a major George Washington University study. How much is your health worth? What is it worth to you to have pain-free movement for life? What is it worth to you to have tons of energy and no brain fog? What about being able to get back to your favorite sport or activity? If you think in terms of merely monetary cost, personal training anywhere will be expensive to you. But if you instead place a high value on your wellbeing, then the investment makes sense. Average fees in the personal training world are around $50 per session. We are around $35 per session and we require at least a 2x per week commitment. 1x per week or less is a complete waste of your time and money.

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Do we have a guarantee?

We offer a 30 Day Promise. This simply means you can opt out of any further commitment if you are not feelin it within the first 30 days of working with us. We are not a good fit for all clients and that’s totally okay. We don’t bend in the wind or flip-flop around, jumping at every fad that comes and goes (hello Keto…). The only thing we can guarantee is that we will bust booty to ensure we do our best work for our clients. If that’s not good enough, then we hope you find what you are looking for.

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Do we have month to month memberships?

If you are looking for month to month then you are not committed to yourself nor the process. So, the answer is nope, we sure don’t! Either you are ready to roll your sleeves up and get after it for at least 6 months or you aren’t. It likely took years to accumulate all the issues dragging you down. It will take longer than a month or two to get results, let alone keep the results. You have to be ready for a few substantial lifestyle changes. You don’t have to change everything all at once but if you are not ready to commit to the process we are not for you. If you are worried about a busy schedule, we have an unprecedented one hour minimum to book a session, we allow makeup time, and we can cancel if you relocate.

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Are we membership-based or package-based?

We are NOT a gym and therefore do not offer memberships. We create custom fitness and wellness solutions for our clients. Gyms can’t do that. Memberships can’t do that. We have a private fitness and wellness space with ZERO open public hours. All clients here have a program and a coach. A membership is when you pay monthly for using a gym’s facilities on your own with no guidance. You are essentially renting time to use the pool, hamster wheels, and the injury factory known as the weight room. When you work with professional coaches, you are committing to a block of coaching, over a certain period of time. That said, we do offer make-up time if you miss a bunch of sessions to deal with work, the kids, a flooded basement, or the hoofed animal who ran into your buggy.

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Can clients cancel agreements?

Yes. For relocation and major medical issues, loss of employment or change of your employment schedule which no longer works with our schedule. That’s it. It’s called a commitment for a reason. If you don’t commit, you don’t get results. But remember if you are skeptical you can use the 30 Day Promise (see above) to be sure you’re lovin it. We totally get skeptics as we serve A LOT of clients who have been injured or burned by other trainers… we loath those unprofessional jack-donkeys.

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Will our approach work for you?

Let’s find out: We have 100% success with clients who are ready for a fresh start, fully committed to the process, coachable, and have a positive mental attitude. They are also resilient, patient, and open-minded. They know setbacks are natural but they lean on us to get through the rough patches. If the above description sounds like you, then there’s a very high likelihood you will get results. If you are not ready to put yourself first and not ready to do what it takes, then our approach is not for you. Listen, there is no situation we have not seen. No plateau we have not broken. Besides the fact our approach is evidence-based and we have coached THOUSANDS of clients to their goals, we won’t ever quit on you. Not ever. Further, Dr. Jason has a wealth of knowledge and clinical skill when the trek looks impossible. If you are not getting the results you hoped for this simply means you have imbalances that must be fleshed out. Dr. Jason must explore your digestion, hormones, sleep, stress, and a billion other factors and find out what your imbalances are. He is badass at tracking them down and snuffing them out. Once we do that, it’s just physics from there… a healthy internal ecosystem will ALWAYS heal and get lean. No two ways about it. Also check out our 70+ 5-star Google Reviews, 70+ Top Facebook Reviews, and video testimonials on this site.

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Do we have an inclusive environment?

Absolutely!! We are a safe, warm, and non-judgemental space. Anyone who is less than respectful or intolerant is asked to leave. We are all about empowerment. We are all about accepting you as you are. Our clients come in all shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicities, and everything in between. Only humans qualify to work with us, lucky for you. Specifically, in case you are still wondering, we are indeed LGBTQ friendly.

Don’t let skepticism hold you back from uncovering the best you. Where could you be a year from now if you gave us the keys and you slid over into the passenger seat? Put the old, failed ways in the rearview mirror. Click HERE to book a chat with us and find out if we are a good fit for you.
Click HERE to book a convo with us and find out if we are a good fit for you.